Thursday, March 10, 2005

Our Jobs

I have the job of escorting Grandma into the bathroom. When I hear her coming up the stairs I will make a mad dash for the bathroom and wak her in-even if I'm sound asleep. Sometimes I have to run up the stairs ahead of her and wait at the top. Occassionally I run so fast I bang into the wall or miss a step or two but that is o.k I'm doing my job.


My job is to greet everyone when they come down the stairs. I run to the foot of the steps and wait. Sometimes I plop myself across the steps and as they try to step over me I grab their pant legs. Lately I have expanded my job description to include escorting people down to the basement to do laundry. I will wait until the person is done and then escort them back up the stairs. With so much to do around here it is a wonder I ever have time for a nap. Thankfully I always get a good butt scratch out of it.


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