Saturday, October 15, 2005

New Visitor

I don't know what all the excitement was today- I had a lazy day of sleep. I found myself a nice cozy spot in Ma's bed under the covers with my head on the pillow and stayed there all day. Ah! Ma couldn't even make the bed today because I was in it! HA HA! I am the princess.


I went out on the porch and there was a cat sitting in the yard! He was a tan tabby. Yeah! I finally made a friend at the new house. We just stared at eachother for a few minutes and I tried to sniff the air to see who he was. I hope he comes back to visit again soon. Maybe he will scratch my butt?

P.S- Grandma fixed my favorite Window Perch for me. You will be able to see me on it on Kitty Kam!

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