Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday Fountain!

Oh Magic water fountain- how we love you! Your water so clean and fresh, the glubby noises you make so entertaining. We love you everyday (not just on Fridays). We thought we would post a picture of our favorite spot. Usually we keep the fountain out on our sun porch but Ma took it in for the winter. It gets cold here in NY! So now our wonderful magic fountain is only inches away from our favorite nap spot. How convenient! If you don't see us on the Kitty Kam then we are usually hanging with the fountain. Ma is trying to put the fountain in the kitty kam room so maybe we will show up more on camera. She claims there is a "space" issue. Guy and I don't really care as long as we have our fountain!!!!!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, dem water fountains is wonnerfull! We gots one dat makes a stream and we love oujrs too.

Tybalt said...

Oh, how wonderful that looks! It must be heavenly to have your magic water fountain so close to your favorite napping spot.

Anonymous said...

That is an excellent fountain. How thoughtful of your human to bring it in for the winter.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hahahaha! I never thought a fountain would be so entertaining!
We don't have one yet,but it sounds neat!!
Happy Friday :)

Daisy said...

I has a fountain too! I loves it!

Milton said...

Dat looks like fun!!
I has a heavy bowel that I can't tip over. Dat is no fun. I like to make splashes, do you?

Anonymous said...

Fountains are good to have around. It sounds like your humans treat you both very well!

Thanks for dropping by to see me and the rest of the Good Cats. I'll have my human add you to my blogroll today!

The Cat Realm said...

Oh you lucky guys! What a great fountain - I have heard rumors about those - but I have never seen one.
I have a vase. Can you believe it, I have to drink out of a vase!!!!
((P.S.: He INSISTS using that vase! The maid))

MaoMao said...

That's a wunnerful fountain! Youkitties look furry happy with it.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful fountain! You beautiful kitties look so content *smile*.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

The Cat Realm said...

Just stepping by, saying hello - it is MONDAY - time to post again...