Thursday, September 30, 2004


I spent the last couple of days finding new places to nap and play far away from Kitty Kam HA! Sometimes I like to outsmart Ma and the cam(I'm not always in the mood you know?!) My best trick is to get right in front of the camera and start to lick myself. As soon as I see the green light go on the camera I jump away. That is funny. Today it was chilly so I spent the afternoon sleeping under my favorite blanket. Toasty warm.


More rain today- can't go out. I entertained myself by sticking my paws up my water feeder to hear it re-fill itself and go "GLUB GLUB". Ma tells me to stop because I get the floor all wet but it is fun. I then played a little too hard with one of my favorite toys a silver octopus and pulled off one of his string legs. OOPS. Now I will find a good spot to cuddle up on the couch and nap. I'm sure Ma will scratch my butt when she comes by.


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