Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Yesterday Guy and I went for our yearly vet exam. I gave Ma a good fight trying to get me into the carrier. I made her move furniture out of the way and chase me around the house for awhile. Ma was getting upset so I finally gave in and let her put me in the carrier. I hate going to the Vet. The place smells like dog and that vet is always sticking me with something sharp. Ma said it was vaccinations to keep us healthy but I wasn't too pleased. Both Guy and I are well behaved with the vet. Neither of us put up much of a fight. I figure it gets me out of there quicker so I better do what he wants. I was also well behaved in the car but Guy cried the whole way there and back and peed in the carrier! Stinky Boy. P.S- Both Guy and I are in good health and we BOTH weighed in at 12.1 pounds.


I hate the vet. I hate the vet. I hate the vet. I hate the vet. I hate the car. I hate the car. I hate the car. That vet stuck me in the butt with a shot. That is not a butt scratch! I hate the vet. I hate the vet. I hate the vet. I hate the car. I hate the car. I hate the car.


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